Monday 30 April 2007

Why is it...? Girls and computer games

I enjoy having a good time as much as the next person and my idea of fun is different to most others; it’s part of what makes us different. I’m not wholly talking about the guy/girl difference, although…

Now if there’s one thing I’ve noticed in recent weeks, it’s how much girls hate computer games, Ok, the majority do at least. I live with four of them and it never ceases to amaze me how often flicking the Playstation on rapidly empties a previously busy room. I’ll give an example; there’s a group of people, (read: girls) in the communal area, a friend and me decide we want a quick game so we switch said Playstation on. There are two outcomes here: one, they continue talking and we play our game quietly and efficiently, no harm done, or two, which is the most popular option, they fold quicker than an origami artist on speed.

Even after the advent of the ‘Pro Evo Launch,’ a brilliant way to combine three of man’s biggest passions; football, computer games and drinking into one big event, (rules to come in another post) they still fail to share our love for any of it, aside from the drinking of course.

Forgive me if this sounds like a rant, I don't mind at all that they don't join in. I've just been more aware of this lately and it got me thinking. It's good for us to have a bit of 'male bonding' time. I guess all we're asking for is that little bit of respect for being 3-2 down with five minutes to go to come away with an epic 4-3 win... Hmm, some things just don't translate do they?

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