Friday 27 April 2007

Summer Rule #1: Comfort

After reading this article on Trendpimp about what to wear on the bottom, in particular the cargos part, i got to thinking...

There's nothing worse on a hot day than wearing trousers which are just TOO heavy! I think we've all made the epic mistake of going out in the morning thinking it won't be hot.... and well, the rest is history.

So... for those days where you can't quite work it out it's a good idea to go for something along the lines of these green roll-ups from Burton; not the height of style, admittedly but on a lazy day off they will cover for both chilly weather or vice versa. They will even double up as shorts if you'd like.

Another option you may want to go for is these cargos from Topman, similar in style and will go with anything else casual in your wardrobe.